











 ここで信仰の次の話に言及しようと思います。信仰と正しい流儀に基づいた信仰を本当に理解するなら、自分の過去の行為と振る舞いを反省することになります。(行為は法学(行為規範学)を想定、振る舞いは道徳・礼儀・修身などのイスラームにおけるマナーを想定) そこで言う信仰とは何なのか?信仰とは言行に忠実に規定されていきます。(前段は外界の観察、アッラーの想像を称えることによる内面化であるが、後半は規範つまり行為による内面化ついて言及している)。ただ、アッラーを信じているというだけでは私たちの信仰はたりないのです。(ムスリムと他を分かつのは創造主がひとりであり、彼の想像を称えるだけではたりず、彼の命令に従い、禁止を避けるという立法者への忠誠が必要となり、)実際の規範に基づいた行為を取らずして、真の信仰とは言えません。(至高なるアッラーのたくさんの恵みを頂いておきながら、その恩を報いようとせず、ただ、命令を無視して恵みののみをむさぼるばかりの者たちが感謝しているといえるでしょうか。)科学において、あらゆる理論には証拠が必要ですが、私たちの信仰においても同様に(至高なるアッラーの御前においてその感謝の)証拠が必要であり、それが規範に沿った行為です。







Bismillah Alrahmaen Alraheem

In this khutba, in shaa Allah taala we will talk about the relation between fasting and aleman (faith ).  First we need to know about what is the faith in terms of Islam.  Believe and faith in Islam is the main body of this religion.  It is even an important fact in any other religions too.  Everyone is believing in something and one may find a huge debate about whether the one’s believes is the real truth or not.  Among all such believes there should be only one believe that stand solid and true based on real evidences.  The backbone of the Islam is about this issue.  Allah Sw in his book has attracted our attention to use our mind, our ears our eyes and analyze the countless number of evidence that guide us to the truth.  Heaven, earth, stars, rains, day, night, life, death, sun, moon, ……etc are such a tool of evidence to refer to ALLAh Sw.   Even on looking to inside our self in pure way with know preliminary decision that might come from false stories we should be guided to ALLAh.  Then one may say oh we are believers come next to the point of discussion.  Indeed, if we understand our faith and what’s behind it in the righteous way, a reflection on our behaviors and deeds should appear.  Therefore, what is the faith?  The faith is defined simply as a say and a deed.  How much our eman is come from how much our say match our deeds.   It is not enough to say I believe in ALLAh as just a say with no support and prove by deeds.  Any theory needs a prove and evidence and so that our eman.  For that ALLAh Sw has commanded us to fast.  Is fasting helping ALLAh sw?  Of course not, but it is helping us to prove our eman.  There is a great verse in Surat Albaqra number 177 talks about Al-eman (the faith). It tells us in the first part in what things should we believe.  And it confirms that the righteous one is the one who belived in ALLAH, in the day after, in the angels, in the book, and in the messangers.  These are five mentioned pillars we have to believe in its existence.  As one may see, all these five types are unseen (absence) for us. We need to analyze these categories in terms of the time. Allah existed in the past, exists in the present and is existing in the future.  Therefore, ALLAH is never been or being absent at any moment.  The day after is coming in the future.  The angels were being created in the past and they are alive until the day after.  The books of ALLAh have been revealed into the messangers of ALALh.  These revelations were in the past time.  Also, Allah’s messengers were in the past time.  To fulfill and prove such believe, Allah Saw needs a proof on that.  Then, the next part of that verse talks about that.  It talks about deeds and actions we should perform.  I am going to explain how fasting can be of these evidence tool to increase our  level of eman.


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