Part-time job in a newspaper company

The Question:

1. In general case, is it permitted to do part-time job in a newspaper company, where the task is to deliver the newspapers in the houses. My question arises as in newspapers they provided different additional posters those are for the advertisement of many non-islamic matters such as foods with pork, female pictures and many others.

The answer:
Newspapers and magazines which contain mostly permissible material, such as local and international news, and some intellectual and political articles, and some scientific articles and other permissible things.

They may not be not free of some pictures of adorned women or some liberal articles or unacceptable ideas, but most of what they contain is permissible. There is nothing wrong with selling these, buying them and distributing them, because the permissible aspect outweighs the unacceptable,

Our advice to you if you find another permissible work is to give up this job, even if the pay is less.

We ask Allah to suffice us with that which He has permitted so that we will have no need of that which He has forbidden.