Part-time job in a car company for a women

In general, is it permitted to do part-time job in a car company for a women where there are also many male working and the women needs to interact with them for different task as for example the man helps her in understanding the task though the women wears hijab (Covers her haead)and other parts of the body.

For a Muslim woman’s work, If her work involves continually and mixing with men, we advise her to leave this job and look for another, or to move to another department in the same company where there are not too much mixing.

If her work does not involve continually mixing with men, then there is nothing wrong with staying in the job, so long as she is doing her job and doing her Muslim’s duties without any disturbance.


City tax and health insurance

Is it mandatory in Islam to pay city tax and health insurance in Japan for a muslim?

The Question
1- Charging taxes is allowed because the authorities spend it on various projects to build the country’s infrastructure, So the Muslim who lives in any country, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, he must fully respects the laws and be a model of good Muslim, he have to pay taxes same as other people and to avoid any way of evasion.

Note: It is not allowed to calculate the taxes from Zakat, Because Zakat is obligatory and must be spent to a certain Categories. Continue reading