Al-amaanah in the concept of Islam


Assalamualykum dear Imam Mohsen.

Let’s say, we were discussing something in a group. Later, for some reasons I personally share and discuss some points on the same issue with a person explicitly mentioning that it’s personal. If that person secretly/covertly inform others about my personal sharing without my knowledge or permission, then will it be considered as a “breach of trust”?

Is it that money and wealth are only Amanah? Are words, personal email, letters etc. not Amanah?

How important this manner (be trustworthy) is for the Muslim to learn and follow?

N.B.: These are the definitions of “personal” in the English dictionary.
Personal (adjective)
1. of, pertaining to, or coming as from a particular person; individual; private.
2. relating to, directed to, or intended for a particular person.
3. intended for use by one person.
4. referring or directed to a particular person in a disparaging or offensive sense or manner.

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