Eid Prayer @ Ito Campus area

In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful
Dear respected brothers and sisters,
Assalamualaikum wbt.
تقبل الله منا ومنكم
Alhamdulillah eid is here. May Allah accept all our deeds during Ramadhan and make us better muslims in the coming months insyaAllah.
Fukuoka Masjid  wishes a very happy Eid to all who are celebrating. May this special day brings peace, happiness and prosperity to everyone.
May God be with you all the time & bless your dreams Ameen.
Fukuoka masjid would like to explain about Eid Day at Ito Campus area.
Place    : Dormitory Hall, Dormitory 1, Ito Campus, Kyushu University.
Access  : Take Showa bus from Kyudaigakkentoshi station to KyudaiKougakubuMae, stop at Big Orange. Walk towards dormitory.
* Please make sure you take the bas between 8.00 to 8.30 to reach at the appropriate time.
08.30  Hall preparation
08.40  Takbeer
09.00  Eid Prayer
          Eid sermon
          Gifts distribution for kids.
10.15 Refreshments
* Every family is requested to bring traditional food in two parts one for men and one for women for an easier management.
Please pay attention to these notices
  1. Try as much as you can to pay Zakat EidulFitr today or at least before Eid prayer (9.00. am), after eid prayer it will be charity not zakat .
  2. Be punctual regarding to Eid prayer.
  3. Please try to come by public transport or in a group due to unavailability of parking space.
  4. Please cooperate with brothers and sisters that manage the Eid day.
# Thank you bro Abi for the hall reservation. May Allah bless you.
On behalf of Fukuoka Masjid
Ahmad Afif.