Quran Class for Kids

Brothers and sisters,
Assalamu Alaikum

I am writing for “Kids Quran Class” which shall begin tomorrow.

Class information:
1- The class is twice a week (Tuesday and Thursday) for one hour each class (6 pm – 7 pm).
2- We have three levels.
3- The tuition fee is 2000 Yen per child.
4- Transportation (place & time):
– The first stop is front of Shiroham School at 5:10 pm.
– The second stop is front of the Friend Shop at 5:15 pm.
– The third stop is in Takasuma Danchi at 5:40 pm.

All the best,


Saturday Weekly Gathering

Dear respected Brothers,

Bismillah, Alhamdulillah. peace be unto you..

All praises and glories are belong to Almighty God, the creator of the heavens and the earth, king of the kings..peace and blessings goes to our last and final prophet Muhammad SAW including his family members and companions..

Detail of this week gathering are followed;

Details of this week gathering are followed;
Date: Sept 28, 2013 (Saturday)
Time: After Fajr congregational prayer (prayer time 5.20am)
Venue: Masjid basement
Speaker: Dr. Noorudeen
Light breakfast: Indonesian brothers (Arab is next)
And those who strives for Us – We will surely guide them to our ways. And indeed, Allah swt is with the doers of good. Quran 29:69
Jazakum Allah khairan
Truly Yours
Abu Mujahid

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