Fukuoka Masjid Rules during Ramadan

Fukuoka Masjid Rules for sisters and Kids during Ramadan

Sisters and kids who like to perform prayers in Fukuoka Masjid during Ramadanare welcome, but to prevent disturbing others who want to concentrate to get reverence please fellow these rules;

  1. The kids under 11 years old they have to come to Masjid with their parents or one of them at least.
  2. The parents have to teach their kids etiquette (Adab) of Masjid before they accompany them to Masjid.
  3. The sisters who have kids less than 7 years old they have to take them to third floor and pray there ( mosque will offer some toys for them and mosque will display Islamic movies for them . ) , it is not allow at all to stay in second floor . and it is not allow to left your kids in third floor and go to pray in second floor, you have to care about your kids by yourself .
  4. The brothers who accompany Kids than 7 years old they can pray with their kids in basement. . please do not let your kids move between floors .
  5. Kids more than 7 years old they can pray in the main halls (first floor or second floor according to the gender ) in case of presence of their father or mother ,and father or mother has to line up his/her kids beside him/her not behind .
  6. It is not allowed at all any taking or discussion with loud voice or eating even sneaks in second or first floors, if it is obligatory to do please go to third floor for sisters and basement for brothers .
  7. The mothers and Fathers who will pray in third floor and basement they have to clean the place after the prayer and before leaving Masjid.
  8. There are sisters will appointed from Masjid committee as a monitors and advisors , any of them will complain,  immediate Masjid committee will take action against those who did not follow rules.
  9. First the Masjid will advise the parents, and in case of the mistake is repeated the parents have to pay amount of money to Masjid as penalty this amount will be decided according to the mistake itself, if the mistake is repeated for third time the Masjid will ask parents to do not accompany kids with them
  10. If the kids spoiled or damaged anything in the Masjid utilities, the father have to fix the problem from his own.
  11. In the grand Eftar (every Sunday) the community, who is responsible about the Eftar has to clean (women for third floor, men for basement) .
  12. Before Etakhaf time brothers and sisters who are willing to perform this rite, they have to register their names In Masjid administration office.
  13. During Etakhaf there is one sister and one brother will appointed to be responsible about Etkhaf (providing food, keeping system, monitor cleaning ……)
  14. Ramadan is the holiest period in the Islamic year. The fast is performed to learn discipline, tolerance, self-restraint and generosity, while obeying God’s commandments. So please try to implement these morals during Ramadan and after particularly when we are in the Masjid.

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